Monday, December 23, 2013

A new name for my blog : A new vision !

It's been a while since I changed the design of my blog. I have been thinking of a new name for my blog's for a long time and after doing lot of homework with several names, I settled for this name "Tech-O-Blog". 

It sounds new and awesome. A blog is identified by it's name so having a creative and attractive name is important thing. This name will represent this blog in coming years. Okay cool I found out this name but implementing it inside the header files and making sure it rendered properly needed some time and work. I had to use paint to adjust the resolution of the header image and edit the existing ones with new name took nearly an hour . The resolutions made a big problem and I had to find the perfect resolution of the header file so that it just gets integrated with my blog.However,It was fun and all ended up well. The new name is completely implemented inside the blog :) ! Cheers . Happy browsing ;) .. Do you like the new name ? Your feedback would be really useful . 


  1. Indeed the new name sounds awesome. I must say, you have worked very hard with the header file. I like the new name :)

  2. Interesting. I don't know if it's better or worse than the old name. Two recommendations though: sometimes the white bars on the side jump around when scrolling (that should be fixed), and the links in the header look very skeuomorphed, not flat. Since this blog seems to be largely about Windows 8 and is meant to be modern, I would flatten the design.

    1. Thank you for your feedback mate :) I have updated the links in the header file :) But can you please say a bit more on your first point.. It never happens for me . I have test in all the browsers .. :)
